Medical Conditions

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1.1. Purpose

Policies and procedures are in place for dealing with medical conditions in children and administering medication when needed. Staff require up-to-date information about medical conditions and other health needs to provide the best care to children. Our staff will follow the procedures and policies in place to support children and work with their families.

1.2. Scope

All Junior Adventures Group (JAG) People are required to comply with the provisions set out in this policy, their contract of employment and all other relevant policies, procedures, and legislation.

Families are required to provide up-to-date medical information to ensure that JAG people can respond appropriately to children’s needs.

1.3. Legislative Requirements

Under the Education and Care Services National Regulations, JAG is required to have policies and procedures in place to ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing of the children in care.

2. Policy Statement

JAG is committed to ensuring appropriate measures are in place to support children to feel physically and emotionally well. Children should feel safe in the knowledge that their wellbeing and individual healthcare needs will be met by the service when they have a medical condition or are unwell.

JAG will ensure that children’s medication is administered correctly.

At all times, JAG people will act in the best interests of the children and ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of all children being educated and cared for at the service.

3. Principles

3.1. Duty of Care

Team Members have a duty of care to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children attending the service. Appropriate measures must be in place and complied with by JAG people to ensure children with medical conditions can be appropriately and safely supported.

JAG will facilitate and support the management of medical conditions and associated medicines, when needed, to ensure each child’s continued health.

3.2. Independence

Children are encouraged and supported to develop independent skills in understanding their health, including allergies and reactions that occur in a shared setting. We will work with parents/guardians to assist with the continuing education and support of children learning to manage their health.

3.3. Service Planning and Delivery

JAG will ensure JAG People have the required first aid, anaphylaxis management, asthma management and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training. JAG People will be encouraged to participate in additional training for the treatment of children with physical and mental health conditions such as diabetes, epilepsy, and autism.

JAG will develop, implement, and continually review Risk Minimisation and Communication Plans for children with medical conditions.

We will review enrolment records to ensure that children’s medical documentation aligns with applicable individual health management guidelines.

Full details of children’s medical conditions and medication, including a photograph and a copy of the Medical Management Plan or Action Plan (for asthma or anaphylaxis), will be accessible and easily identifiable for all Team Members.

Service Leaders will ensure that all children in attendance have the correct, current medical documentation and in-date prescribed medication.

The Responsible Person in day-to-day charge will know and communicate the risk management strategies for children with medical conditions to all team members for each session.

Any changes or concerns about a child’s health or wellbeing will be communicated to the Service leadership team

Before each session of care, the medical conditions and health management needs of each child in attendance will be shared with team members, and individual needs will be discussed.

All new educators to the service must be inducted by the Service Leader, regarding children with medical conditions. The Service Leader must cover the following points:

● the child’s Medical Management Plan or Action Plan (for asthma or anaphylaxis), and the Risk Minimisation and Communication Plan.

● the location of the allocated medication storage area

● the location of the service’s adrenaline auto-injection and inhaler devices.

The service will inform parents/guardians about anaphylaxis and allergens by providing up-to-date information through policies, newsletters, and other materials. In addition, signs will indicate the presence of children at risk of anaphylaxis.

Where a child has a medical condition and additional support is required to assist in areas such as medication administration, feeding and toileting or further support for the medical condition, the service will engage with an external agency, such as Inclusion Support Providers. Support and Care strategies provided for the child will be captured in a Health and Wellbeing plan, with input from the parent/guardian, See ‘6.6 Provisions of Children with Additional Needs’ policy.

3.4. Supervision

All children with dietary needs, especially those at risk of anaphylaxis, allergies and intolerances will be closely supervised by team members during mealtimes and food experiences.

Team members will supervise the administration of medication following the direction and documentation provided by parents/guardians and a registered medical practitioner.

Our staff ratios and supervision procedures support assisting in medication administration where needed. When a staff member administers medication:

• a Medication Record form, used by team members to track the administration of medication and is signed by the two educators who witness and administer the medication (exceptions may apply when the Single Staff Model Policy is in place).

• Medication will never be put into a child’s drink or food unless instructed in writing by a medical practitioner.

• all self-administration of medication by a child must be witnessed by team members and recorded by two team members. The ‘self-administered medication authorisation form,’ must be completed prior to the child’s attendance. (Exceptions may be when the Single Staff Model Policy is in place).

3.5. Food Sharing

Team members will reinforce the importance of not sharing. Anaphylaxis, allergies, and intolerances will be discussed with children in terms that are developmentally appropriate to their understanding.

The service will endeavour to provide food free of nuts and common allergens. Where food is brought from home to the service, all families will be asked not to send food containing specified allergens or ingredients as determined in the Risk Minimisation and Communication Plan. Refer to the information in the Nutrition and Food Handling Policy.

The service will minimise children’s exposure to allergens through service and menu planning, creating menus and experiences that considers individual children’s dietary needs.

Team Members will ensure tables and bench tops are washed down before and after eating.

JAG People will refrain from packing personal food containing allergens relevant to the service.

3.6. Provision and Storage of Medication

No medication will be administered without the written consent of the parent or guardian. (Note: Some emergencies may override this.)

Only medication (including ointments and creams) prescribed by a medical practitioner, in the original container, with original pharmacist labels and instructions, will be given to children attending the service. All labels must be legible and undamaged, and the contents must be within their expiry date. No out-of-date medication will be administered. This applies to both prescription and over-the-counter medications.

All medication:

• will be stored safely, out of reach of children but readily accessible to authorised educators and following the medication requirements (e.g., refrigeration)

• including self-administered medication (e.g., Ventolin and insulin), ill be handed to staff for storage in the fridge or allocated medication storage area.

Where the child attends the service more than 2 sessions per week. An adrenaline auto injector must be provided to remain at the service. Where the family is unable to provide an additional adrenaline auto injector to the service. An agreement between the Service and Family must be formalized, documented and communicated to ensure that an adrenaline auto-injector is provided and signed in by an adult each session prior to the child attending the session.

In the instance, where an adrenaline auto injector is not provided for the session, the child will be unable to attend the session.

Parental authorisation (via the Self- administered Medication Authorisation form and Medication Record) is required for children to self-administer medication. Self-administration of medication or medical procedures (e.g., blood glucose testing) must be witnessed by two educators, who will then sign the Medication Record.

If a child is diagnosed with an illness that may require the administration of medication (e.g., diabetes or epilepsy), a completed Medical Management Plan or Action Plan (for asthma or anaphylaxis) is required, and relevant medication records must be maintained. Only staff with the appropriate training will administer this medication.

If a child is diagnosed with a short-term illness (e.g., an infection) that requires the administration of medication, evidence of the medical practitioner’s prescription and written parental authorisation must be supplied.

Following the recommendations of the Asthma Foundation of Australia, the service will maintain a current salbutamol canister/reliever puffer (e.g., Ventolin or Asmol) and a medication spacer for use in the event of an emergency.

JAG will ensure that:

• all medications are carried on any excursion where the child is present

• medication is administered and recorded correctly

• Management is informed of any issues that affect the health and wellbeing of any child.

3.7. Administration of Medication

Parents/Guardians and JAG People must be informed about appropriate procedures and processes in giving medication to children. Facilitating and supporting the management of medical conditions and associated medicines, when needed, in consultation with a registered medical practitioner and Parents/Guardians, ensures each child’s continued health.

3.8. Family Responsibility

Parents/guardians are responsible for informing the Service leaders of what guidance and support are required for their child’s specific medical needs. They must keep the service up to date with information relating to their child’s health needs and emergency contact numbers. This includes doctor and specialist addresses and phone numbers.

For children with medical conditions, parents/guardians must provide an up-to-date Medical Management and/or Action Plan (for asthma or anaphylaxis) with a current photo attached, completed, and signed by a registered medical practitioner. On request of the service, parents/guardians will update and provide relevant documents to the service, prior to attending.

For children with medical conditions or specific health needs, a Risk Minimisation and Communication Plan must be developed in consultation with the service leadership team to support the child’s Medical Management Plan. The Risk Minimisation and Communication Plan must be completed before the child attends the service. For Children with Additional Needs, a Health and Wellbeing Plan may be arranged to support with inclusion in the program.

If a child’s health needs change, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to inform the service leadership team of the changes to their health needs, update the enrolment record and provide new documentation. Written confirmation from a medical practitioner must be provided to the service to advise of any changes in medical circumstance prior to updating the Medical Information on the Enrolment Record.

Parents/guardians can modify their child’s online details to reflect any changes. Parents or guardians and the service will communicate changes and ensure that the child is supported appropriately.

Parents/guardians must provide the relevant documentation with prescribed medication to be administered at the service, prior to attending.

In the instance, where relevant documentation and/or the prescribed medication (including asthma puffers and adrenaline auto injectors) is not provided prior to the child attending the session, the child cannot attend

Guardians must be informed that the medication was administered, which must be documented on the ‘Record of Medication Authorisation Form’.

3.9. Requirements to Support Children’s Health Needs

For the health and safety of the child while in care, if the requirements of relevant documentation with prescribed medication is not met, child cannot attend.

Depending on children’s individual health needs, their medical documentation will vary as outlined below:

Medical Conditions Table ScreenshotContinue table for medical conditions 2Continue table for medical conditions 3

3.10. Medical Emergencies

In the event of an emergency relating to asthma or anaphylaxis, the service’s emergency first aid kit will be stocked with the below items. This kit will only be accessed in the event of an emergency and does not replace parents’/guardians’ responsibility to provide the required medication for a child diagnosed with asthma or anaphylaxis every time the child is attending the service.

Parents/guardians will be notified of medical emergencies and the medication administered as soon as reasonably practicable.

The service’s emergency first aid kit will contain the following items:

Continue table for medical conditions 4

Team Members are to refer to and follow each child’s individual Medical Management or Action Plan. JAG People will also refer to Medical and Health Management Procedures, outlining practices and procedures for dealing with known and unknown medical conditions (including anaphylaxis, asthma and diabetes). Team Members are also encouraged to refer to current guidelines and recommendations for further guidance on medical emergencies specific to health needs and other resources, links to these resources are provided within the Medical and Health Management Procedure.

Only a Team Member qualified to provide first aid is to administer first aid. Service leaders are encouraged to share current guidelines and recommendations with educators who are not qualified first aiders to assist in the identification of symptoms.

3.11. Record Keeping and Regulatory Compliance

Medication Record forms, used by educators and parents/guardians to track the administration of medication, will be maintained by the service.

Onsite safety audits, incidents and complaints will be documented, allowing us to track and trend issues and enable changes in practice to be considered and implemented to maximise safety.

Strong governance and oversight are required to regularly review the policies relating to medical conditions and the administration of medication to identify patterns, risks, and improvements to ensure that our practices support children and keep them from harm.

3.12 Supervision

Team members must ensure that supervision and safety is maintained throughout the session, especially throughout emergencies and in recovery. All Team Members and Service Leaders must ensure that active supervision of children and clear communication between team members is maintained throughout the session.

3.13 Child Safety

Policies and practices reflect the relevant legislation, including the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. JAG provides policies and procedures to support and equip people with the knowledge, skills, and awareness to prioritise children’s health, safety, and wellbeing in practice. These practices are continuously reviewed and improved to ensure up to date practices are in effect throughout the business. By including children into conversations about their health, safety, and wellbeing in service, we encourage them to participate in decisions and develop autonomy. JAG endeavours to establish positive relationships with families and communities to ensure they are informed and involved in Medical Management practices.

4. Key Terms

Supporting Letter from Medical Practitioner

  • Life threatening medical conditions, and conditions that require medication, require a Supporting Letter from a medical practitioner, in the absence of an action plan.

    The Supporting Letter must include the following information:

    ● Child’s Full Name and Date of Birth

    ● Child’s medical condition diagnosis

    ● Details of the treatment of the condition (i.e. treatment plans, or when medication will need to be taken, if applicable)

    ● Name and Signature of the Medical Practitioner

    ● Review Date (if applicable)

    Confirmation of diagnosis and treatment must be advised to the service yearly by a medical practitioner. Where the child’s diagnosis and treatment has not changed, this confirmation may be given by the parent/guardian, in writing.

    If the treatment of the condition is different to the supporting letter, a revised letter from a Medical Practitioner must be provided to the service.

Administration of medication:

  • The administration of medications to students is only to occur when necessary, during service hours and when there is either medical authorisation for its administration or it is required as an emergency first aid response

JAG People/JAG Person:

  • Any adult that governs, manages, conducts work for, or provides activities and/or services to, JAG in a paid or unpaid activity spanning all levels of the organisational structure

Service Leader:

  • Anyone who oversees the Service in one of the following roles:

    1. The Approved Provider; if the approved provider is an individual, in other cases, a person with management or control of the Service

    2. The Nominated Supervisor of the Service

    3. A Responsible Person who has been placed in day-to-day charge of the Service in the absence of the Nominated Supervisor.

Team Member:

  • JAG People who work directly with children.

5. References

Education and Care Services National Law and Regulations

Guide to National Laws and Regulations

Children Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010

Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010

Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011

National Quality Standards for Early Childhood Education and Care and School Care

Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority Other Relevant Legislation

Regulation 85 – Incident, injury, trauma and illness policy and procedures

Regulation 86 – Notification to parent of incident, injury, trauma and illness

Regulation 89 – First aid kits

Regulation 91 – Medical conditions policy to be provided to parents

Regulation 92 – Medication record

Regulation 93 – Administration of medication

Regulation 94 – Exception to authorisation requirement – anaphylaxis or asthma emergency

Regulation 95 – Procedure for administration of medication

Regulation 96 – Self-administration of medication

Regulation 136 – First aid qualifications

Regulation 137 – Approval of qualifications

Regulation 160 – Child enrolment records to be kept by approved provider

Regulation 161 – Authorisations to be kept in enrolment record

Regulation 162 – Health information to be kept in enrolment record

Regulation 168 – Education and care Service must have policies and procedures

Regulation 170 – Policies and procedures to be followed

Regulation 171 – Policies and procedures to be kept available

Regulation 172 – Notification of change to policies or procedures

Regulation 173 – Prescribed information to be displayed

Regulation 177 – Prescribed enrolment and other documents to be kept by approved provider

Regulation 181 – Confidentiality of records kept be approved provider

Regulation 183 – Storage of records and other documents

National Asthma Council- Australian

Asthma Foundation NSW

St Johns Ambulance First Aid Training Courses

Guide to the National Law and National Regulations

National Quality Standards for Early Childhood Education and Care and School Care

ASCIA Australia Society of clinical immunology and allergies - ASCIA Australia Society of clinical immunology and allergies website. Dated: 14 March 2013

Diabetes Australia

National Asthma Council- Australian Related Policies

Safeguarding Children and Young People Incident and Risk Management Related Procedures 02P004 Medical and Health Management Procedures 02P006 Health and Hygiene Procedures 02P009 Menu Planning Procedures Other Quality Area 2, 6 & 7: Standards 2.1, 6.1, 7.3 OCG Guide to Child Safe Standards - CCYP Child safe Standards - National Principles for Child Safe Organisations -

Version 5.1

Change History

JAG Policy Change Register Date Approved 06/03/2024 Date Implemented

06/03/2024 Document Owner Quality Service Development Document Approvers

CEO / Approved Provider Next Review 12 months