Provision for Children with Additional Needs

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1. Overview

1.1.  Purpose

The provision of a safe and healthy environment for children and employees is fundamental to Junior Adventures Group’s (JAG’s) responsibility as an approved provider and employer. A collaborative partnership with children and families is paramount for the inclusion and participation of children with additional needs in accessing childcare services, to ensure that the Service meets the needs of all stakeholders.

1.2.  Scope

All (JAG) People are required to comply with the provisions set out in this policy, their contract of employment and all other relevant policies, procedures and legislation. All parents and guardians are required to comply with the Families Code of Conduct and policies relating to working with the Service to get the best outcomes for children.

1.3.  Legislative Requirements

Under the Education and Care Services National Regulations, Junior Adventures Group is required to have policies and procedures in place to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of the children in care.

2.    Policy Statement

The inclusion and participation of children with additional needs into mainstream society is the responsibility of the whole community. JAG is committed to enabling appropriate access to Childcare Services for families and providing opportunities for the child to participate in physical, social and emotional experiences that are offered to children from any background.

3.    Principles

3.1.  Duty of Care

We have a duty of care to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children attending the Service. This includes a quality management system that supports the identification and management of risk, good education and learning outcomes, response to individual needs of children we support and safekeeping of private information to assist in delivering the Service. We safeguard the children attending the program through our policies and procedures.

3.2.  Determining Care for Child with Additional Needs

Inclusion of a child with additional needs to the service will be determined in consultation with families, Management and relevant support personnel on a case-by-case basis. Every attempt will be made to enable children equal access to and participation in the programmed activities.

3.3.  Alternative Care Arrangements

Admission of a child to the service may be reviewed by Management if appropriate facilities, resources and staff are not available which will ensure the safety, security and wellbeing of all children. Recommendations will be made for alternative care where the service is unable to provide the right and safe care for a child.

3.4.  Appropriate Programs and Environments

JAG people will identify a child’s specific needs regarding the physical environment and in individual areas of development prior to enrolment if possible.

The program will ensure activities and experiences are appropriate for their stage of development and promote inclusion and participation.

3.5.  Use of Health and Wellbeing Plans

The Service may request a health and wellbeing to be put in place to support the needs of an individual within the Program. This document should be created in collaboration with Parents/Guardians and other stakeholders.

3.6.  Responsibilities and Accountabilities

JAG People will access outside agencies and liaise with nominated support workers and services to successfully plan for and integrate children into the Service. Educators will devise appropriate communication procedures with families and other stakeholders as necessary.

3.7.  Enrolling Parent/Guardian’s Responsibilities

The Service will request any information regarding the child that may impact on their ability to participate in the service and be appropriately cared for within the service. Families are responsible for ensuring that information about their child’s individual needs are provided through the enrolment and orientation process.

Parents/Guardians are fully involved in regular reviews of their child’s development, including Service staff and any related support workers. Parents/Guardians assist and collaborate with service to plan, implement and evaluate intervention services for the individual’s goals.

Parent/Guardian permission will be requested prior to contacting an Inclusion Agency (IA). This will be in the format as required by the IA. Where a Parent/Guardian refuses this permission, management may suspend enrolment of the child, if it is determined that that the impact on the ability to include and support the child in the program will be compromised.

3.8.  Supervision

Team Members ensure that supervision of children is maintained throughout the delivery and collection process. Where variance from standard arrival and departure occurs, Team Members must ensure that adequate supervision is maintained while resolving the situation. Team Members must seek guidance from their line manager immediately, or as soon as reasonably practical to ensure that proper intervention and process is effectively implemented.

3.9.  Child Safety

Policies and practices reflect the relevant legislation, including the Child Safe Standards. JAG provides policies and procedures to support and equip people with the knowledge, skills, and awareness to keep children safe. These practices are continuously reviewed and improved to ensure up to date practices are in effect throughout the business.

4. Key Terms

02T010 Health and Wellbeing Plan:

  • When a child may not have a formal diagnosis, a general health and wellbeing condition may be under review, undiagnosed or only require a short-term consideration use this document to support child’s additional needs while attending the service.

    • Completed by Service Leaders

    • Completed in conjunction with Parent/Guardian

JAG People:

  • Any adult that governs, manages, conducts work for, or provides activities and/or services to, JAG in a paid or unpaid activity spanning all levels of the organisational structure


  • A person appointed by the enrolling parent/guardian or family member to collect the child from the care of the Service; this person must be fit for duty of care responsibility and identified upon arrival to the Service

Service Leader:

  • Anyone who oversees the Service in one of the following roles:

    1. The Approved Provider; if the approved provider is an individual, in other cases, a person with management or control of the Service

    2. The Nominated Supervisor of the Service

    3. A Responsible Person who has been placed in day-to-day charge of the Service in the absence of the Nominated Supervisor.

Team Member:

  • JAG People who work directly with children.

Inclusion Agency (IA):

  • An organisation that delivers the ISP to regional hubs in each state and territory. Each Inclusion Agency provides free, tailored support to services seeking to access the ISP. Upon request, the support provided can include onsite visits for observations, assistance with serviced development of a SIP, access and support with the ISP application and the provision of advice and education to service staff.

    To find out the local IA for your Service, contact 1800 284 955

5. References

Education and Care Services National Law and Regulations

Guide to National Laws and Regulations

Children Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010

Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010

Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011

National Quality Standards for Early Childhood Education and Care and School Care

Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority

Other relevant legislation

Regulation 91 – Medical conditions policy to be provided to parents

Regulation 160 – Child enrolment records to be kept by approved provider

Section 165 – Offence to inadequately supervise children

Section 167 – Offence relating to protection of children from harm and hazard

Regulation 84 – Awareness of child protection law

Regulation 103 – Premises, furniture, and equipment to be safe, clean and in good repair

Regulation 168 – Education and care services must have policies and procedures

Regulation 170 – Policies and procedures to be followed

Regulation 171 – Policies and procedures to be kept available

Regulation 172 – Notification of change to policies or procedures

Related Policies

Building positive relationships with children

Safeguarding Children and Young People

Medical Conditions

Child Safe Environment

The program

Diversity, Gender Equality and inclusion

Related Procedures

02T010 Health and Wellbeing Plan

06P003 ISP Funding


OCG Guide to the Child Safe Standards

Disability Discrimination Act 1992




Change History

Change Register

Date Approved


Date Implemented


Document Owner

Quality Service Development

Document Approvers

CEO / Approved Provider

Next Review

24 Months