Transitions and Transport Policy

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1. Overview

1.1. Purpose

The safe arrival of children between excursions, schools, education and care services and other venues must be done safely. Our team members will follow the procedures and policies in place to protect children from harm, and ensure their safety and wellbeing.

1.2. Scope

All Junior Adventures Group (JAG) People are required to comply with the provisions set out in this policy and their contract of employment and all other relevant policies, procedures and legislation.

1.3. Legislative Requirements

Under the Education and Care Services National Regulations, JAG is required to have policies and procedures in place to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of the children in care.

2. Policy Statement

JAG is committed to ensuring appropriate measures are in place for maintaining children’s safety during transitions and transport between the school, the education and care service and other venues.

3. Principles

3.1. Duty of Care

Team Members have a duty of care to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children attending the Service. Appropriate measures must be in place and complied with by JAG people to ensure the transition between the Service, the school and other venues is done safely and meets the needs of the child.

JAG seeks to maintain the health, safety and wellbeing of children and team members by ensuring that appropriate procedures are implemented for transitioning children and transporting children through bus and people mover usage and maintenance. JAG will comply with the requirements outlined in the Excursion Policy and Delivery and Collection of Children Policy in terms of conducting risk assessments and seeking parent/guardian approval.

3.1. Evaluation of Transition Methods and Practices

In consultation with team members and the school, the Service Leader will ensure a standard process for the transitions of children, including arrival and departure from school, service, and other venues, transitions between licensed spaces and areas within the school or other venues. This will be evaluated using the risk assessment process, the assessment will consider the mode and method the transition, supervision requirements, points of collection and other key factors.

If the safety and wellbeing of all children and team members are placed at an unacceptable level of risk during a transition to an extra-curricular activity, families will be requested to make alternative plans. This decision will be based on a comprehensive risk assessment, completed following the Risk Assessment Procedures, and communicated in writing.

3.2. Evaluation of Transportation Methods and Practices

In consultation with team members, the Service Leader will carefully evaluate transport activities using the risk assessment process. The assessment will consider the mode and method of transport, supervision requirements, points of collection and other key factors in the activity.

A risk assessment will be completed to determine suitable external transportation hire and transportation provided by JAG.

3.3. Right to Refuse or Re-evaluate

Management maintains the right to refuse a transport request. Management reserves the right to reassess the arrangement and re-evaluate if the safety of the child and team members is at risk by the transition or transport method.

Regular reviews will be undertaken to ensure all risk assessments are current and to determine whether any circumstances change the assessment.

3.4. Service Planning

Planning will include risk assessment of the transition, the activity requiring transport, confirmation of consent and supervision ratios. Education around safe travelling will include items such as seat belt wearing or vest wearing and will be specific to the type of transport for the program.

The Meetings with team members will be held prior to the transport of children, to ensure that the team are aware of the expectations, roles and responsibilities during the transition. A list of children travelling will be kept at all times. Team Members will review safety procedures with all children before an excursion.

The Service Leadership Team will collaborate with the school to ensure a standard transition agreement is documented. Any variances to the agreement should be communicated with the line manager. Team Members will deliver children to or collect children from a school representative, as outlined in the risk assessment. At this point, the children are required to be signed into the Service. Management will be aware of the route and procedure for each service to allow for sickness and/or annual leave.

Service Leaders must communicate to staff their responsibilities in the transition, including supporting children who require assistance, following up on absent or missing children and supervision points.

3.5. Transitions

Team Members must ensure that adequate supervision is maintained, especially throughout transitions. Team Members will refer to the Delivery and Collection Policy and Procedure collection for further guidance around the Arrival and Departure transition of children.

If an incident or concerning situation arises, Team Members must ensure that adequate supervision is maintained for all children. This is achieved by communicating their movements with other team members. Specific provisions will be made to cater to the unique needs and development of children below school age and children with Specific Needs.

During transitions, Team Members should optimise their positioning to ensure that they can see any nearby boundaries and children, to ensure they can respond to any incidents or concerning situations arising.

A process for the use of toilets will be established by the Service Leader and communicated to the children, staff and families. This transition will be adequately supervised by team members to ensure children’s comfort, security and safety within the transition.

JAG People will review and refer to the Delivery and Collection Policy, the Absent and Missing Children Policy and Incident Management Policy, in regards to Arrival and Departure, as well as managing arising circumstances.

3.6. Non-Vehicle Transport

When transporting children on foot, staff will:

● ensure that the safest route is taken in accordance with the risk assessment

● ensure adequate supervision is maintained at all times

● ensure children cross the road safely, preferably at pedestrian crossings or lights and obey road safety rules

● keep children together as a group and walk in lines on the pavement

● take appropriate clothing and protection for the weather.

3.7. Transportation arranged by the Provider

During our Holiday HQ program, Services offer excurisons, that require transition to an external location for the experience. This may be provided by arranging an external transportation hire. JAG People are aware of the additional risks of excursions including transition. Additional care and supervision during transition will be provided by team members.

For transportation provided by JAG or by an external provider, we will refer to our Safe Transportation of Children. For allocation of vehicles, A hire agreement must demonstrate that the third party can meet the regulations. For the internal allocation of vehicles, vehicle maintenance logs must be checked, and risk assessment must be undertaken to determine the suitability of the allocated vehicle for transportation.

Authorisation from an authorised nominee must be provided prior to transporting children from the Service.

If a child is not present at the point of collection, the Service Leader will initiate the Absent and Missing Child Procedure.

3.8. Vehicle Provided by the Group

Any vehicle used must be registered and have third-party insurance cover and indemnity. Restraints appropriate to each child’s size must be fitted, and each child must be properly restrained according to 110G of the Motor Traffic Regulations 1935. (Note that Regulation 110G defines a suitable child restraint to mean any of the following restraints fitted to a motor vehicle: a child restraint that conforms to standards AS 1754 of the Standards Association of Australia and which is referred to in that standard as suitable for use by the child concerned.)

Child restraints/seat belts must be approved by the Roads and Traffic Authority for use by a child of the age, weight or height of the child concerned.

The seating capacity of the vehicle should not be exceeded. The driver must have a current and appropriate classification of licence.

3.9. Public Transport

The use of public transport may entail considerable additional risk and requires staff and practices that exceed the general requirements for an excursion in a vehicle that leaves and returns to the Service.

The ability of staff and children to manage a journey on public transport must be assessed as part of the planning procedure.

All staff and volunteers must know the procedures for supervising and assisting children:

● on board and alighting from public transport

● on public transport (especially on ferries and trains)

● to cross roads and negotiate any crowded areas.

3.10. Supervision

Staff will ensure that children are adequately supervised in transitions.

Staff will conduct regular headcounts during transitions and transporting children, especially before and after boarding and alighting from transport. Team Members will ensure that all children are accounted for before allowing the vehicle to leave. Team Members will assist the children in getting on and off the vehicle and during transition.

JAG people will provide direct supervision in any transition and transport setting. If using public transport (e.g., a bus, ferry, taxi or train), children must be directly supervised at all times and never be left unattended. Supervision must be ongoing during boarding and alighting vehicles.

A Safe Transportation of Children Record will be completed before and after boarding/alighting from transport, and on arrival and departure of the Service or venue.

Clear communication between Team Members and Service Leaders must be maintained throughout transition

3.11. Family Responsibility

Parent or guardian permission will be sought for any transport requirements. Where the arrangement changes, parents or guardians will be notified of changes and asked to confirm their consent for the change in the transport process.

Parents or Guardians must assist the transition process by notifying the service of any variances from their booking arrangement (absences, ECA cancellations, etc). Where a child is identified as non-notified or missing, the Service Leader will enact the Absent and Missing Children procedure, which includes notifying the police within a prescribed timeframe.

3.12. First Aid and Emergency Response

A first aid kit will be carried in any vehicle used or on the person of a staff member participating in the transition.

In the case of a change in travel arrangements or a vehicle breakdown, the staff member will:

● phone the Service Leader/Line Manager to inform them of the change

● ensure that children are kept safe at all times

● discuss suitable alternative transport arrangements and organise this to be undertaken.

3.13. Movement of Children between Multi-Level Service Facilities

All children will be supervised when moving between different levels and areas of the Service. If there is an elevator used to move children between levels, it will only be used to assist children who have mobility assistance needs and supervision will be maintained.

3.14. Record Keeping and Regulatory Compliance

On-site safety audits, incidents and complaints will be documented, allowing us to track issues. This will enable changes in practice to be considered and implemented to maximise safety.

3.15. Child Safety

We safeguard children through our procedures and practices, with particular attention to their safety and wellbeing. Policies and practices reflect the relevant legislation, including the National Principles for Child Safe Organistions. JAG provides polices and procedures to equip JAG people with the knowledge, skills, and awareness to keep children safe. Service Practice are continuously reviewed and improved to ensure current legislation is in effect throughout the

4. Key Terms

JAG People:

  • Any adult that governs, manages, conducts work for or provides activities to JAG in a paid or unpaid activity spanning all levels of the organisational structure

Service Leader:

  • Anyone who oversees the Service in one of the following roles:

    1. The Approved Provider; if the approved provider is an individual, in other cases, a person with management or control of the Service

    2. The Nominated Supervisor of the Service

    3. A Responsible Person who has been placed in day-to-day charge of the Service in the absence of the Nominated Supervisor.

Team Members:

  • JAG People that work directly with Children


  • Refers to both vehicle and non-vehicle means of moving people between locations

5. References

Education and Care Services National Law and Regulations

Guide to National Laws and Regulations

Children Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010

Education and Care Services National Law Act 2010

Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011

National Quality Standards for Early Childhood Education and Care and School Care

Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority

Transport of NSW

RTA Australia

Other Relevant Legislation

Regulation 4 – Definition of regular transportation and regular outing

Regulation 78 – Food and beverages

Regulation 89 – First aid kits

Regulation 98 – Telephone or other communication equipment

Regulation 99 – Children leaving the education and care service premises

Regulation 100 – Risk assessment must be conducted before excursions

Regulation 101 – Conduct of risk assessment for excursions

Regulation 102 – Authorisation for excursions

Regulation 102AAB - Safe arrival of children policies and procedures

Regulation 102AAC - Risk assessment for the purposes of safe arrival of children policies and procedures

Regulation 109 – Toilet and hygiene facilities

Regulation 168 – Education and care Service must have policies and procedures

Regulation 170 – Policies and procedures to be followed

Regulation 171 – Policies and procedures to be kept available

Regulation 172 – Notification of change to policies or procedures

Regulation 176 – Time to notify certain information to Regulatory Authority

Related Policies

Safeguarding Children and Young People

Emergency and Risk Management

Incident Management


Delivery and Collection of Children

Extracurricular Activities

Related Procedures

02P012 Transport Safety Procedures

01P002 Holiday Program and Pupil Free Day Planning Procedures

02P003 Absent and Missing Child Procedure


Quality Areas 2 & 6: Standards 2.2, 6.2

OCG Guide to Child Safe Standards -

CCYP Child safe Standards -

National Principles for Child Safe Organisations -

6. Appendix

See PDF for Appendices



Change History

JAG Policy Change Register

Date Approved


Date Implemented


Document Owner

Quality Service Development

Document Approvers

CEO / Approved Provider

Next Review

12 months